Overall Objectives
- To strengthen the academic and physical infrastructure for attaining excellence in teaching and students research project training.
- To increase capabilities of core instrumentation resources by procuring new equipment and upgrading the existing facilities.
- To enhance the interdisplinary learning through networking with neighbouring institutes/colleges.
- Strengthening biotechnology component in exhisting life science courses and practical training.
- Access to life sciences research journals and e-resources for faculty and students.
- To develop departmental library books and journals.
Objectives for students
- To evoke critical thinking through “Hands-On” exposure to recent experimental methods/techniques in basic and applied sciences.
- Scientific exposure and skill development of students to promote life sciences/biotechnology as a career through minor research projects, visiting/training of research institutions/industries etc.
- To utilize information communication technology (ICT) in enhancing students capability in using online available scientific resources.
- Strengthening biotechnology component in exhisting life science courses and practical training.
- To organize expert lectures by eminent researchers as well as academicians of National and International repute on recent innovations in life sciences.
- To develop hands-on exposure to students and introduction of new practical’s to understand theoretical concepts.
- To improve quality of research projects taken by B.Sc./M.Sc. students.
- To enrich curriculum and advanced laboratory facilities.
Objectives for Faculty
- Enrich scientific knowledge and skills of faculty members by specialized interdisciplinary training programmes, refresher courses, workshops, symposia, and seminars.
- To involve faculty members as mentor in students projects at undergraduate level.
- Curriculum up gradation to ensure more “hands-on” laboratory work.
- To carry out, support/or promote research based teaching.
- To perform other functions as desired by the Government and undertake such other activities as are relevant to fulfill the objectives of the DBT star scheme.
Objectives for Laboratory staff
- Training on Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs), Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and laboratory biosaftey issues.
- Training on laboratory data management, computer handling and improvisation of scientific communication skills.